Current source code now resides at
Changelog is based originally on Open Source Code Base for EQ2Emu at (to be defunct)
0.9.6-OmiScorpii started in May 20th 2023, this page only includes 2024 changelog entries.
- Raid support and cross peer support for Isle of Refuge, DoF, KoS and AoM clients.
- Zone Persistence added to non-instanced zones.
- Commands: /whogroup, /whoraid, /raidinvite, /raid_looter, /kickfromgroup, /kickfromraid, /leaveraid, /split, /raidsay (rsay) added.
- Cross peer zone and instance support
- Cross tell support (along with ignore)
- Cross ooc support
- Cross group support (can chat, leave group, disband cross peers, update group options)
- Cross who all support
- houses/instances fixed no more cross objects/spawns/etc from other houses
- houses now display characters name with the house zone description
- 1000's of house items now properly work with wall/ceiling
- debug messages removed from housing placement
- Encounters locked to raid instead of group
- group options restricted to raid leader
- reload rules for following are peer wide:
- special/static zones (always_loaded) are now defined by a peer_priority unsigned short (smallint(5)) in zones table. peer_priority = server_config world.peerpriority will spawn on that exe instance, if it is not available it is distributed to all peers. Using the value of 0 (assuming no peer has priority of 0) or 65535 will result in peer distribution of zones.
server_config.json "WorldServer" block updated with the following (web peer port information), priority must be unique for EACH peer:
"peeraddress": "",
"peerport": "9102",
"peerpriority": "1",
New Command Line Run Arguments for World Exe to override server_config.json values
Allowed options:
--worldaddress arg World address
--internalworldaddress arg Internal world address
--worldport arg (=0) Web world port
--webworldaddress arg Web world address
--webworldport arg (=0) Web world port
--peerpriority arg (=0) Peer priority
- fixed Isle of Refuge client group struct (raids added also)
- new log category Peering
- new LUA Functions AddRespawn(Zone, LocationID, RespawnTime) and CreatePersistedRespawn(LocationID, SpawnType, RespawnTime, ZoneID)
RULE_INIT(R_Player, StartHPBase, "40");
RULE_INIT(R_Player, StartPowerBase, "45");
RULE_INIT(R_Player, StartHPLevelMod, "2.0");
RULE_INIT(R_Player, StartPowerLevelMod, "2.1");
RULE_INIT(R_Player, MaxWeightStrengthMultiplier, "2.0"); // multiplier for strength to add to max weight, eg 25 str * 2.0 = 50 max weight + base weight
RULE_INIT(R_Player, BaseWeight, "50"); // base weight per class, added to max weight with the strength multiplier
RULE_INIT(R_Player, WeightPercentImpact, "0.01"); // overweight in stone speed impact (.01 = 1% per 1 stone)
RULE_INIT(R_Player, WeightPercentCap, "0.95"); // cap total impact for being overweight (.95 = 95%)
¶ Rule R_Player, CoinWeightPerHundred -> R_Player, CoinWeightPerStone, defaulted to 40 which is the DoF client equivalent (eg 100/40 = 2.5 weight)
RULE_INIT(R_Player, WeightInflictsSpeed, "1"); // whether weight will inflict speed, 1 = on, 0 = off