Type | Category | Name | Default Value | Description |
UInt32 | R_Client | ShowWelcomeScreen | 0 | Unimplemented |
UInt32 | R_Client | GroupSpellsTimer | 1000 |
Frequency to check for group spell buffs between members. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Client | QuestQueueTimer | 50 |
Frequency to check quest queue for updates. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Faction | AllowFactionBasedCombat | 1 | When set to 0 or false, faction lists are not built for aggro in range. |
UInt8 | R_Guild | MaxLevel | 50 | Max level guilds are allowed to achieve. |
SInt8 | R_Guild | MaxPlayers | -1 | Unimplemented |
UInt16 | R_Player | MaxLevel | 50 |
Max level allowed to non-admin player for class and tradeskill class. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt16 | R_Player | MaxLevelOverrideStatus | 100 |
Max level allowed to admin player for class and tradeskill class. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | VitalityAmount | .5 |
Add to vitality bar value up to 100.0 GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | VitalityFrequency | 3600 |
Time in seconds to add to vitality. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | XPMultiplier | 1.0 |
Default combat experience rate world wide. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | TSXPMultiplier | 1.0 |
Default tradeskill experience rate world wide. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxAA | 320 |
Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxClassAA | 100 | Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxSubclassAA | 100 | Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxShadowsAA | 70 | Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxHeroicAA | 50 | Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxTradeskillAA | 40 | Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxPrestigeAA | 25 | Transmit to Client, Unimplemented Server Side |
UInt32 | R_Player | MaxTradeskillPrestigeAA | 25 | Unimplemented |
UInt8 | R_Player | MinLastNameLevel | 20 | Minimum level player can assign their last name |
UInt8 | R_Player | MaxLastNameLength | 20 | Maximum characters length allowed for last name. |
UInt8 | R_Player | MinLastNameLength | 4 | Minimum characters length allowed for last name. |
UInt8 | R_Player | DisableHouseAlignmentRequirement | 1 | Disable city alignment requirement for owning a house, by default enabled. |
Float | R_Player | MentorItemDecayRate | .05 | Item stats are reduced by 5% per level by default when mentored. Unmentoring restores to default. |
Float | R_Player | TemporaryItemLogoutTime | 1800.0 |
Time in seconds for temporary item to decay after remaining logged out. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | HeirloomItemShareExpiration | 172800.0 |
Time in seconds for heirloom item group or raid sharing to expire. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt16 | R_Player | SwimmingSkillMinSpeed | 20 |
Minimum swim modifier allowed for players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt16 | R_Player | SwimmingSkillMaxSpeed | 200 |
Maximum swim modifier allowed for players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | SwimmingSkillMinBreathLength | 30 |
Minimum breath length allowed for players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | SwimmingSkillMaxBreathLength | 1000 |
Maximum breath length allowed for players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Player | AutoSkillUpBaseSkills | 0 | Automatically provide spells and combat arts to players upon levelling instead of scribing. Default disabled. |
Float | R_Player | MaxWeightStrengthMultiplier | 2.0 | Multiplier for strength to add to max weight, eg 25 str * 2.0 = 50 max weight + base weight |
UInt32 | R_Player | BaseWeight | 50 | Base weight per class, added to max weight with the strength multiplier |
Float | R_Player | WeightPercentImpact | 0.01 | Overweight in stone speed impact (.01 = 1% per 1 stone) |
Float | R_Player | WeightPercentCap | 0.95 | Cap total impact for being overweight (.95 = 95%) |
Float | R_Player | CoinWeightPerStone | 40.0 | Coin weight per stone, 40.0 = 40 coins per 1 stone (per DoF client hover over) |
Bool | R_Player | WeightInflictsSpeed | 1 | Whether encumbered weight will inflict speed, 1 = on, 0 = off |
Float | R_Player | LevelMasterySkillMultiplier | 5 | Multiplier for adventure level / recommended level when applying mastery damage to determine if they are in mastery range |
Bool | R_Player | TraitTieringSelection | 1 |
Tiered selection for traits, grouped in selection, such as in old clients Kingdom of Sky, Desert of Flames, Classic. Later in the game SOE disabled tiering for traits. Default enabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Player | ClassicTraitLevelTable | 1 |
Uses built in table based on Prima Guide, see Traits.cpp for more, otherwise uses the levels below GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | TraitFocusSelectLevel | 9 |
x levels to receive new trait of focus, eg level/rule, level 10, rule value 5, 10/5 = 2 focus traits available at level 10 GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | TraitTrainingSelectLevel | 10 |
x levels to receive new class training trait. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | TraitRaceSelectLevel | 10 |
x levels to receive new racial trait. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Player | TraitCharacterSelectLevel | 10 |
x levels to receive new character trait GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt32 | R_Player | StartHPBase | 40 |
Base HP value to calculate for players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt32 | R_Player | StartPowerBase | 45 |
Base Power value to calculate for players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | StartHPLevelMod | 2.0 |
HP added to player per level: new_level * new_level * hp_mod + hp_base GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Player | StartPowerLevelMod | 2.1 |
Power added to player per level: new_level * new_level * power_mod + power_base GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Player | AllowPlayerEquipCombat | 1 | Allow player to equip any slots in combat. Enabled by default. When disabled, can only change primary, secondary, range and ammo slots in combat. |
Float | R_Player | MaxTargetCommandDistance | 50.0 | Max distance allowed for /target command when target name is not in group |
UInt16 | R_Player | MinSkillMultiplierValue | 30 | Min skill we use as a multiplier to note the max skill allowed by the node (eg. if your skill is equal or higher no skill up) |
Float | R_Player | HarvestSkillUpMultiplier | 2.0 | Multiplier to the max skill allowed. |
¶ PVP |
Bool | R_PVP | AllowPVP | 0 | Allow player vs player combat and disable player inspection unless same alignment. Default disabled. |
UInt32 | R_PVP | LevelRange | 4 | Maximum level range allowed for player vs player combat. |
SInt32 | R_PVP | InvisPlayerDiscoveryRange | 20 | Range at which a player can be seen through invisible, setting to -1 will disable this feature. |
Float | R_PVP | PVPMitigationModByLevel | 25 |
Unimplemented Gives a bonus to mitigation for PVP combat to offset the percentage level * mod (default 25) |
Float | R_Combat | MaxCombatRange | 4.0 | Max combat range allowed for combat. |
Float | R_Combat | DeathExperienceDebt | 50.0 | Divide by 100, 50/100 = .5% debt per pve death |
Float | R_Combat | PVPDeathExperienceDebt | 25.0 | Divide by 100, 25/100 = .25% debt per pvp death |
Bool | R_Combat | GroupExperienceDebt | 0 | Set to 1 means we will share debt between the group. Default disabled. |
Float | R_Combat | ExperienceToDebt | 50.0 |
Percentage of xp earned to debt vs obtained xp 50/100 = 50% to debt GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Combat | ExperienceDebtRecoveryPercent | 5.0 |
Recovery percentage per period of time, 5/100 = 5% recovered (so if .5% debt, .5*.05 = .025, .5-.025=.475% debt left) GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Combat | ExperienceDebtRecoveryPeriod | 600 |
Every 10 minutes (x*60 seconds) recover ExperienceDebtRecoveryPercent GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Combat | EnableSpiritShards | 1 | If enabled, when players die they will leave spirit shards which will allow for returning exp lost. |
String | R_Combat | SpiritShardSpawnScript | See Desc |
Default: SpawnScripts/Generic/SpiritShard.lua GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Combat | ShardDebtRecoveryPercent | 25.00 | Recovered percentage of debt upon obtainig shard, 25/100 means 25%. If there is .5 DeathExperienceDebt, .5*25% = .125, .5 - .125 = .375 |
Bool | R_Combat | ShardRecoveryByRadius | 1 | Allow shards to auto pick up by radius, not requiring to click/right click the shard |
UInt32 | R_Combat | ShardLifetime | 86400 | Shard lifetime in seconds. Default: 86400 seconds (one day) |
UInt32 | R_Combat | EffectiveMitigationCapLevel | 80 | Level multiplier for max effective cap, level * 80 (default) |
UInt32 | R_Combat | CalculatedMitigationCapLevel | 100 | The cap to calculate your mitigation from is [level*100]. |
Float | R_Combat | MitigationLevelEffectivenessMax | 1.5 | Ratio victim level / attacker level for max effectiveness, when victim is higher level cap can reach 1.5 |
Float | R_Combat | MitigationLevelEffectivenessMin | 0.5 | Ratio victim level / attacker level for min effectiveness |
Float | R_Combat | MaxMitigationAllowed | 0.75 | Percentage max mitigation allowed, eg. 75% of damage can be mitigated max in PVE |
Float | R_Combat | MaxMitigationAllowedPVP | 0.75 | Percentage max mitigation allowed, eg. 75% of damage can be mitigated max in PVP |
UInt32 | R_Combat | StrengthNPC | 10 | Divider for strength NPC only str/x = additional dmg to low/high dmg |
UInt32 | R_Combat | StrengthOther | 25 | Divider for strength other than NPC str/x = additional dmg to low/high dmg |
Float | R_Combat | MaxSkillBonusByLevel | 1.5 | Level * 1.5 = max bonus skill allowed |
Bool | R_Combat | LockedEncounterNoAttack | 1 | Default set to 1, players or group members not part of the encounter cannot attack until /yell |
UInt16 | R_Spawn | SpeedMultiplier | 300 |
Server→Client side transmitted value. Note: this value was 1280 until 6/1/2009, then was 600 til Sep 2009, when it became 300...? GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Spawn | ClassicRegen | 0 | Classic regen only gives OUT OF COMBAT, doesn't combine in+out of combat. Default disabled. |
UInt32 | R_Spawn | HailMovementPause | 5000 | Time in milliseconds the spawn is paused on hail before returning to original heading. |
UInt32 | R_Spawn | HailDistance | 5 | Maximum distance a spawn can be hailed. |
Bool | R_Spawn | UseHardCodeWaterModelType | 1 | Limited hard coded model types to water mobs. Default: enabled, disable to use database parameters only. |
Bool | R_Spawn | UseHardCodeFlyingModelType | 1 | Limited hard coded model types to flying mobs. Default: enabled, disable to use database parameters only. |
¶ UI |
UInt32 | R_UI | MaxWhoResults | 20 | Unimplemented |
UInt32 | R_UI | MaxWhoOverrideStatus | 200 | Unimplemented |
UInt16 | R_World | DefaultStartingZoneID | 1 |
Default zone a player is sent to if the starting_zones table is unable to find a proper starting placement. Assigns character to the safe coordinates of the zone table for the zone id. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | EnablePOIDiscovery | 0 | Enable location discovery (points of interest) using locations table in the database. |
UInt32 | R_World | GamblingTokenItemID | 2 | The gambling token item id for lotto goblins. |
UInt8 | R_World | GuildAutoJoin | 0 |
Configure to auto join a default guild upon creating the character. Default: disabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_World | GuildAutoJoinID | 1 |
Guild ID to auto join when GuildAutoJoin is enabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt8 | R_World | GuildAutoJoinDefaultRankID | 7 |
Default rank for the auto join of the new guild member. If set to 0, will default to 7. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt16 | R_World | MaxPlayers | -1 |
Default -1 will allow unlimited players. 0 or higher will restrict to maximum players that do not meet other rule criteria below. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt16 | R_World | MaxPlayersOverrideStatus | 100 |
Players/Characters with admin status equal to or higher to this value can bypass the R_World, MaxPlayers limit. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | ServerLocked | 0 | Server loads locked if enabled. Default: disabled. |
SInt16 | R_World | ServerLockedOverrideStatus | 10 |
Players/Characters with admin status equal to or higher to this value can bypass the server locked status. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | SyncZonesWithLogin | 1 | Unimplemented |
Bool | R_World | SyncEquipWithLogin | 1 | Unimplemented - Login should always receive equipment information. |
UInt8 | R_World | UseBannedIPsTable | 0 |
Unimplemented - database.CheckBannedIPs is not integrated (needs to be loaded into memory) GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_World | LinkDeadTimer | 120000 | Time in milliseconds for a player to remain linkdead |
UInt32 | R_World | RemoveDisconnectedClientsTimer | 30000 |
Time in milliseconds to remove the client from the connected clients cache. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt16 | R_World | PlayerCampTimer | 20 | Time in seconds that a non-admin (100 status) player must wait to complete camping. |
UInt16 | R_World | GMCampTimer | 1 | Time in seconds a player with admin status (100 or higher) will camp. |
Bool | R_World | AutoAdminPlayers | 0 |
If enabled, new players admin status is set to the default described in AutoAdminStatusValue. Default: disabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | AutoAdminGMs | 0 |
Inherit highest admin status from other characters on the same account id. Default: disabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
SInt16 | R_World | AutoAdminStatusValue | 10 |
Default status for new players if AutoAdminPlayers is enabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_World | DuskTime | 20:00 |
Time dusk starts in game time, Default: 8PM GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_World | DawnTime | 8:00 |
Time dawn starts in game time, Default: 8AM GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | ThreadedLoad | 0 |
World server loads up with threaded database calls to speed up load time. Default: disabled. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_World | TradeskillSuccessChance | 87.0 |
87% chance of success while crafting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_World | TradeskillCritSuccessChance | 2.0 |
2% chance of critical success while crafting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_World | TradeskillFailChance | 10.0 |
10% chance of failure while crafting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_World | TradeskillCritFailChance | 1.0 |
1% chance of critical failure while crafting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_World | TradeskillEventChance | 15.0 |
15% chance of a tradeskill event while crafting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_World | EditorURL | See Desc | Old feature, web browser not supported. Default: www.eq2emulator.net |
Bool | R_World | EditorIncludeID | 0 | Would include spawn target's database id in the URL call for the editor url. |
Bool | R_World | EditorOfficialServer | 0 | Used for the editor db url |
Bool | R_World | SavePaperdollImage | 1 | Saves paperdoll image to database. |
Bool | R_World | SaveHeadshotImage | 1 | Saves headshot image to database. |
Bool | R_World | SendPaperdollImagesToLogin | 1 | Sends paperdoll images to login server |
Bool | R_World | TreasureChestDisabled | 0 | When enabled, treasure chests do not drop, only spawns have loot. Default: disabled. |
Bool | R_World | StartingZoneLanguages | 0 |
0 = Live Like, 1 = Starting City Based GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_World | StartingZoneRuleFlag | 0 |
0 - match any options available, just based on version/other fields (will not force qc/outpost) 1 - force split zones on alignment/deity despite client selection (queens colony/overlord outpost) 4 - send to 'new' starting zones, won't support old clients 8 - (isle of refuge) GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | EnforceRacialAlignment | 1 |
Enforce alignment based on races GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_World | MemoryCacheZoneMaps | 0 | 0 disables caching the zone maps in memory, too many individual/unique zones entered may cause a lot of memory build up |
Bool | R_World | AutoLockEncounter | 0 | When set to 0 we require player to attack to lock the encounter, otherwise if 1 then npc can auto lock encounter |
Bool | R_World | DisplayItemTiers | 1 | Display item tiers when set to 1, otherwise do not |
Bool | R_World | LoreAndLegendAccept | 0 | 0 - L&L quests accepted only through starter books. 1 - L&L quests can be started by examining bodyparts |
¶ ZONE |
UInt32 | R_Zone | MaxPlayers | 100 | If the zone instance type is PUBLIC_INSTANCE or TRADESKILL_INSTANCE, reaching and exceeding this limit in the zone will spawn a new instance. |
SInt16 | R_Zone | MinZoneLevelOverrideStatus | 1 | Bypass zone player level requirement. Player's require higher admin status than the value to override the level requirement. Default: 1, admin status 2+ will bypass. |
SInt16 | R_Zone | MinZoneAccessOverrideStatus | 100 | Bypass zone player admin status requirement. Player's require higher admin status than the value to override the level requirement. Default: 100, admin status 101+ will bypass. |
Bool | R_Zone | WeatherEnabled | 1 | 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
UInt8 | R_Zone | WeatherType | 0 | 0 = normal, 1 = dynamic, 2 = random, 3 = chaotic |
Float | R_Zone | MinWeatherSeverity | 0.0 | Minimum weather severity, 0.0 or no weather |
Float | R_Zone | MaxWeatherSeverity | 1.0 | Maximum weather severity, 1.0 or hard rain (range 0.0 - 1.0, rain starts at 0.75) |
UInt32 | R_Zone | WeatherChangeFrequency | 300 | Time in seconds to check on weather change. |
Float | R_Zone | WeatherChangePerInterval | 0.02 | Change per interval |
UInt8 | R_Zone | WeatherChangeChance | 20 | Chance of change in percentage 1-100%. |
Float | R_Zone | WeatherDynamicMaxOffset | 0.08 | Dynamic weather changes can only change this max amount |
UInt16 | R_Zone | SpawnUpdateTimer | 50 |
Timer in milliseconds to check for spawn changes to send to other players. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Zone | CheckAttackNPC | 2000 |
Timer in milliseconds for NPC Aggro to Player and other NPC's GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Zone | CheckAttackPlayer | 2000 |
Timer in milliseconds for checking Player's against other NPC's in range. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Float | R_Zone | HOTime | 10.0 |
Time in seconds to complete the HO wheel before it expires GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Zone | RegenTimer | 6000 |
Time in milliseconds that the player has HP and Power regen triggered. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Zone | ClientSaveTimer | 60000 |
Time in milliseconds that the client is saved to the database. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Zone | ShutdownDelayTimer | 120000 |
Time in milliseconds that the zone server will delay shutdown if a player is potentially zoning in. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Zone | WeatherTimer | 60000 | Time in milliseconds that the zone server checks for processing weather changes. |
UInt32 | R_Zone | SpawnDeleteTimer | 30000 |
Time in milliseconds that a spawn pointer is held onto after being removed from the world before deleting it GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Zone | UseMapUnderworldCoords | 1 | Use maps lowest Y coordinate to establish underworld markers |
Float | R_Zone | MapUnderworldCoordOffset | -200.0 | Adds (or in the case of negative value subtracts) so that the underworld marker is lower when map is using its lowest Y coordinate |
UInt32 | R_Zone | SharedZoneMaxPlayers | 30 | Splits a public non-city zone (non-instanced) to a duplicate zone after X players in the zone, eg. antonica, steppes, so on. |
¶ LOOT |
Float | R_Loot | LootRadius | 5.0 | Maximum distance that looting a spawn or treasure chest is allowed. |
Bool | R_Loot | AutoDisarmChest | 1 | Disarming is automatically attempted when looting a chest that has not been previously triggered. If disabled, traps can trigger if the chest is not disarmed prior to looting. |
Float | R_Loot | ChestTriggerRadiusGroup | 10.0 | Radius at which chest will trigger against group members |
UInt32 | R_Loot | ChestUnlockedTimeDrop | 1200 | time in seconds, 20 minutes by default, triggers only if AllowChestUnlockByDropTime is 1 |
UInt8 | R_Loot | AllowChestUnlockByDropTime | 1 | When set to 1 we will start a countdown timer to allow anyone to loot once ChestUnlockedTimeDrop elapsed |
UInt32 | R_Loot | ChestUnlockedTimeTrap | 600 | Time in seconds, 10 minutes by default |
UInt8 | R_Loot | AllowChestUnlockByTrapTime | 1 | When set to 1 we will allow unlocking the chest to all players after the trap is triggered (or chest is open) and period ChestUnlockedTimeTrap elapsed |
UInt8 | R_Loot | SkipLootGrayMob | 1 | Puts gray conning mobs into an overmatched state when engaging in combat, means all non-body loot will be cleared. |
UInt32 | R_Loot | LootDistributionTime | 120 | Time in seconds that we allow the group to determine their loot decision (lotto/need/greed/decline). |
UInt32 | R_Spells | NoInterruptBaseChance | 50 | Base Chance % (1-100) to not be interrupted. If set to 100 then disabled (no interruption). InfoStruct has a no_interrupt override to disable on a Entity. |
UInt8 | R_Spells | EnableFizzleSpells | 1 | Enables/disables the 'fizzling' of spells based on can_fizzle in the spells table. This also enables increasing specialized skills for classes based on spells/abilities. |
Float | R_Spells | DefaultFizzleChance | 10.0 | default percentage to fizzle a spell x / 100, eg 10% is 10.0 |
Float | R_Spells | FizzleMaxSkill | 1.2 | 1.0 is 100%, 1.2 is 120%, so you get 120% your max skill against a spell, no fizzle |
Float | R_Spells | FizzleDefaultSkill | 0.2 | Offset against MaxSkill to average out to 100%, default of .2f so we don't go over the threshold if no skill |
UInt8 | R_Spells | EnableCrossZoneGroupBuffs | 0 |
Enables/disables allowing cross zone group buffs GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt8 | R_Spells | EnableCrossZoneTargetBuffs | 0 |
Enables/disables allowing cross zone target buffs GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Spells | PlayerSpellSaveStateWaitInterval | 100 | Time in milliseconds we wait before performing a save when the spell save trigger is activated, allows additional actions to take place until the cap is hit |
UInt32 | R_Spells | PlayerSpellSaveStateCap | 1000 | Sets a maximum wait time before we queue a spell state save to the DB, given a lot can go on in a short period with players especially in combat, maybe good to have this at a higher interval. |
UInt8 | R_Spells | RequirePreviousTierScribe | 0 | When set to 1, requires step up apprentice -> apprentice (handcrafted?) -> journeyman (handcrafted?) -> adept -> expert -> master |
UInt32 | R_Spells | CureSpellID | 110003 | Base Cure spell from spells table that was used after they removed cure types, used for /cureplayer when spell |
UInt32 | R_Spells | CureCurseSpellID | 110004 | Curse Spell ID in the spells database, used for /cureplayer when spell |
UInt32 | R_Spells | CureNoxiousSpellID | 110005 | Noxious/Poison Spell ID in the spells database, used for /cureplayer when spell |
UInt32 | R_Spells | CureMagicSpellID | 210006 | Magic/Elemental Spell ID in the spells database, used for /cureplayer when spell |
UInt32 | R_Spells | CureTraumaSpellID | 0 | Trauma/Mental Spell ID in the spells database, used for /cureplayer when spell |
UInt32 | R_Spells | CureArcaneSpellID | 0 | Arcane/Heat Spell ID in the spells database, used for /cureplayer when spell |
UInt32 | R_Spells | MinistrationSkillID | 366253016 |
Ministration skill id from skills table used to map power reduction rule MinistrationPowerReductionMax GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
R_Spells | MinistrationPowerReductionMax | 15.0 |
Max percentage of power reduction for spells with ministration mastery skill (default is 15.0 for 15%). If set to 0.0, default to 15.0 GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Spells | MinistrationPowerReductionSkill | 25 |
Divides by integer value to establish how much skill req for higher power reduction. If set to 0 it is set to 25. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Spells | MasterSkillReduceSpellResist | 25 | Divides by integer value to establish how much skill bonus for reducing spell resistance on target. If set to 0, default to 25. |
UInt8 | R_Spells | UseClassicSpellLevel | 1 | Uses the classic spell levels in the spells_classes table, which involves mini-ding's giving spells. Spell defaults to level field if classic_level is set to 0.0 |
UInt32 | R_Expansion | GlobalExpansionFlag | 0 |
Server wide expansion flag setting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_Expansion | GlobalHolidayFlag | 0 |
Server wide holiday flag setting GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
UInt32 | R_World | DatabaseVersion | 0 |
Database version reported in bug reports table GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
Bool | R_Discord | DiscordEnabled | 0 |
Enable/disable discord bot. GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_Discord | DiscordWebhookURL | None |
Webhook url used for server -> discord messages GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_Discord | DiscordBotToken | None |
Bot token used to connect to discord and provides discord -> server messages GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_Discord | DiscordChannel | Discord |
In-game channel used for server -> discord messages GLOBAL RULE ONLY |
String | R_Discord | DiscordListenChan | 0 |
Discord ChannelID used for discord->server messages GLOBAL RULE ONLY |