Requirements to generate navmeshes
- Need a working MapEditor (either by using binaries, if they work, or compiling your own in visual studio .net)
- An extracted EverQuest 2 directory using the VPKTool, Altar of Malice is what the emulator is building maps on. This is part of the MapEditor source Eq2VpkTool\bin\
- Need recastnavigation + RecastDemo compiled per the 'Source Located At' below (the .exe that allows you do build navpath)
- Use MapEditor to generate a map and use the .obj to put in the recastdemo/bin/Meshes directory as an Input Mesh.
Originated From :
YouTube Demo:
- Dungeons of Small-Medium size
- Sample: Solo Mesh
- Select Input Mesh of Zone (.obj file generated from Model Viewer)
- Cell Size: Medium Zone 0.2 - 0.3 (low to high to hit all pathing area), Small Zone 0.1 - 0.2 (high to low as needed to hit all pathing area)
- Cell Height: Usually unchanged at 0.2
- Radius: Reduced to usually 0.1 - 0.3
- Max Climb and Max Slope in this case won't change much, but some dungeons might need these altered to get up stairs or other obstacles outside of a flat path
- Partioning: Watershed
- Build and Wait..
- Save
- Go to RecastDemo bin dir where exe was ran, there is a solo_navmesh.bin → zonename.nav
If challenges occur with generating a proper navpath, consider using the large zone approach below
- Medium - Large Sized Zones (Open planes, heavy terrain changes)
- Sample: Tile Mesh
- Cell Size: 0.2 - 0.3, reducing to 0.1 is possible if extremely large zones involved
- Cell Height: Usually left unchanged at 0.2
- Radius: Reduced to usually 0.2 - 0.3
- Max Climb and Max Slope these will vary depending on the zone terrain and might even require tiles to be re-generated with custom settings for a subset of tiles manually
- Partioning: Layers
- Tiling TileSize: 128, for medium to smaller zones may reduce down to 64 at most. Larger tile size allows more precision in the terrain, while costing more processing and larger file size.
- Build and Wait…
- Save
- Go to RecastDemo bin dir where exe was ran, there is a all_tiles_navmesh.bin → zonename.nav