- Release CD/DVD Disc of EverQuest 2 is a Beta Disc, holding a October 2004 client that is incomplete and not recommended for use period (and not fully integrated/implemented).
- Trial of Isle 2005 client is available on Web Archive based on Update 05 https://eq2.fandom.com/wiki/Update:05 - Limited to Far Journey and Isle of Refuge (+Instances)
- AMD Processors on Likely any Operating System WILL crash, only opens and closes, no error/message box.
- AMD DLL Patch: AMD DLL Patch Download
- Put the d3d9.dll in your EverQuest 2 directory (d3d9.dll is in the ReleaseDLL folder)
- When EverQuest2.exe starts, it'll load d3d9.dll - and will also patch the offending code section on runtime, regardless of executable version, hooks code here
Notes: Crash includes in Windows event viewer an entry against event name BEX will be recorded, EverQuest2.exe and EQ2Settings.exe impacted.
- If the client zones in and the screen freezes (doesn't render any further), consider disabling EQ2Map's UI as they are known to freeze the client (alternatively delete the EQ2Map directory in the ui_files)
- When using EQ2Map UI Clicking on the Norrath map or anything but the current map of the zone you are in can freeze / crash the client.
- If client is laggy frame per second wise despite creating new characters or different zones or changing your settings, delete eq2_recent.ini
- If you crash in certain zones (such as Freeport) due to a unrecoverable error with reference to the file DirectX9RendererDevice.cpp – this could be due to memory limitations either on the system or video card. Reduce the graphic settings from high to default or fastest when trying to enter these zones.
- AMD CPU GAME FAILS TO OPEN BUG: You need the AMD DLL Patch Download (ReleaseDLL folder d3d9.dll to EverQuest 2 directory)
- Based on LU05 https://eq2.fandom.com/wiki/Update:05 (March 2005)
- Froglok race is not available due to not being playable until Update 09 https://eq2.fandom.com/wiki/Update:09
- Only supports Far Journey (Boat) and Isle of Refuge.
- Collections are not yet supported (there is no collections tab)
- There are only small chests, no exquisite or other chests (models do not exist)
- Visuals are not the same as other clients, so NPC's are missing some clothes!
- If when loading up the client there is no actual display of the UI get DirectX 9 here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
- If character creation does not allow you to select a race that means the world server(s) are down and you cannot create a character. It otherwise can mean you are not using a supported client.
- Upon creation of a new character or an existing character, spells are all greyed out and not visible in Knowledge Book. This is due to missing data in the starting_spells table. This is an issue with the server database not being properly setup, but easily identified by this marker. You can issue a /level to yourself to resolve typically.
- If you see LOD (Level of Detail) boxes over sprite NPC's and other objects, add to your eq2_default.ini:
cl_placeholder_base_lods 0
- Only Available to DoF Client and Later: If Loading UI Resources takes a long time (esp for DoF), consider adding to eq2_default.ini:
cl_load_ui_resources_timeout 0
- Mouse look wildly moves the screen view based on the pointer position, add to eq2_default.ini
cl_mouselook_capture_windows_mouse false
If that does not resolve refer to this post https://www.zeklabs.com/showthread.php?tid=150
- Under advanced display settings - sychronized refresh set to enabled
- Turning off smooth mousing
- Windows OS “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings”
- If after logging in you get stuck at ‘adding character to world’ before arriving at character select, use Proton 4.2-9. Current version Proton-5.0-9 exhibits these issues. *Also be sure to open another game in steam first to make sure the Proton package is downloaded as adding custom games to use proton does not auto-download the package.
- If you freeze while in-game or in character select. Consider turning off GPU Shadow Maps in Options→Display→Shadows. Animations for Cloth Simulation and Render Cloaks also potential culprits.
Check out the dedicated wiki page for that!
r_alert_log_only 1 - additional logging for network and other errors
r_verify_log_only - The verify log, to my knowledge, complains when you pass it information for verification (like zonemap name, or anything CRC related)
Reference to this discussion is on eq2_default.ini - taken from https://discordapp.com/channels/210453864678293514/210454321001660426/693114728284684328